13 Apr

Before planning an amazing beach getaway with your dog, make sure she likes walking in sand and water. While it may seem like all dogs love the beach, some dogs really don’t like sand and water at all.

Step # 1

While it’s cute to imagine your dog chasing seagulls, many dogs run away and get hurt chasing animals and birds. Leashes are safety lines, so keep your dog safe.

Step # 2

Hot sand is painful—very painful. If a surface is too hot for you to stand on, then it’s too hot for your dog too. Carry your dog to wet sandy areas to prevent paw burns. Or place rubber bottom booties on large dog paws until you reach your shaded beach lounging spot. Check your dog’s paw pads frequently for burns or irritations from sea creatures or salt water.

Step #3

Offer your dog cold water often, and keep his water bowl in the shade. Limit your dog’s sun exposure. If your dog starts panting excessively, cool him down with cold water, leave the beach ASAP and find the closest veterinary clinic.

Step #4

Short-coated breeds, or freshly shaven dogs, will need sunscreen. Purchase a chemical-free sunscreen with at least 30 SPF and apply often per directions. If your dog swims, choose a waterproof chemical-free sunscreen for maximum protection. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen liberally on your dog’s ear tips, nose and paws!

Step #5

Once back home or in your hotel, wash your dog with a gentle dog shampoo and rinse thoroughly. Sand embedded in hair scratches and irritates skin, which can cause rashes and hot spots. In addition, salt water can damage your dog’s coat. As a best practice, wash and rinse your dog twice, then rinse again.

Now that you have some amazing tips, take your beloved dog to the beach and have an amazing family time. 

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